Hormonal Regulation & Activation Alignment
Season 3 Episode #114 WITH Erin Walker
On this week's episode of the Genetic Genius Podcast, Erin Walker discusses how be empowered by learning how your hormones function and how to activate them for complete alignment and balance.
Here are the healthy hormone topics we discuss:
1. What is a hormone and how does it function?
2. What specific hormones play a role in the function of regulating our cycles
3. When menstrual cycles start to become irregular what does that look like? Is there a timeframe or gauge when listeners should suspect that things are out of balance and seek out a health practitioner?
4. What factors come into play that affect the function of hormones at a cellular level - mitochondria etc
5. In your practice, have you been seeing more dysfunctions of the hormones at a deeper level due to the changes and impacts in the environment and more women having hormonal imbalances earlier in life?
6. How does a cleanse or detox help to shift the hormones into balance?
7. How are the female hormones impacted by stress and anxiety?
8. Are there specific vitamins and or minerals that impact the regularity of the menstrual cycle - especially PMS?
9. What about nutrition? Are there foods or super foods that can help balance hormones?
10. If there is a history of irregular cycles will the transition into menopause be more challenging and what steps can listeners take now?
To learn more about the Erin visit www.bodylovewellness.net
and visit her blog at www.bodylovewellness.net for all sorts of women's wellness goodies as well as a great freebie that's a guide for how to use herbs to heal your gut.
All Genetic Genius listeners will receive 20% off all products or services through the end of August. Use code: GENIUS
Follow Erin
FB: @bodylovewell IG: @bodylove.well
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