How to Achieve Success with Self-Care & Transformation
Episode #51
On this week's episode #51 of the Genetic Genius, Justine Mader discusses her personal journey and road to success and how she transformed not only her life but those of her clients when self care became the priority.
Here are some of the topics and questions we discuss on the show.
1. What do you think success is and what that does that look like for your clients?
2. Many people have the fear factor come to play when they think , oh my gosh, I have to or want to become an entrepreneur. How can our listeners embrace this fear?
3. Why do you think that self-care is such a large aspect of success?
4. What are some of the self-care techniques that are a key part of your everyday routine and new ones that you started on your entrepreneur journey.
5. How is nurturing yourself an image of your own success?
6. What are your top self-care tips that you can give our listeners and that you recommend to your clients?
7. How did transformation take place in your personal journey?
8. How much have you changed since you started your business?
9. Do you think that transformation is necessary for any road to success?
10. What is you book about? "Limitless Expansion Secrets"
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